Saturday, December 28, 2019

The Effects Of Gun Control And The Prevention Of School...

Nicholas Kornasiewicz Ms. Revenaugh English 9, Period 6 10 December 15 Put a â€Å"Cap† in Gun Control On April 20, 1999, two teenagers killed 13 people and wounded more than 20 at Columbine High School in Littleton, Colorado (Zirming). The incident drew worldwide attention. It led to widespread discussion over gun control and the prevention of school violence. With unstable characters like this jumping through the ineffective background checks, none are safe. You may think our little village is far from any of this. That’s what the families of victims in Sandy Hook said. Gun control is the effort to fight violent crime by strengthening laws on the ownership of firearms. The use of a gun in a crime is more likely to result in a person s death than the use of most other kinds of weapons, including knives. Gun control laws aim to reduce the criminal use of guns as much as possible and, at the same time, to interfere as little as possible with other gun use. Without it, the world would spiral into chaos. In the late 1990 s, several local governments in the United States began to sue gun manufacturers for the effects of violence committed with guns (Zirming). This did not deter gun related crime. In order to prevent brutalities, such as the incidents in Aurora, Colorado and Newtown, Connecticut, the United States should construct higher restrictions on guns. Whether it is personalized laws for each state or a collective ban altogether, there are reasons why these restrictions couldShow MoreRelatedGun Violence Essay1050 Words   |  5 Pages Gun violence should be addressed in the United States because it is one of the leading causes of death facing Americans. According to the Center for Disease Control, over 33,000 people die in gun related deaths each year, nearly two-thirds of which are suicides. Since the Columbine High School massacre in 1999, there has been great concern for the safety of children in schools. Other mass shootings like the recent Las Vegas shooting are making a ll Americans feel that they are at risk of becomingRead MoreThe Importance Of Gun Violence1280 Words   |  6 PagesViolence has an impact in various forms all over the world. More than a million people die each year and many more suffer from violence related injuries. Violence is the leading cause of death worldwide for ages 15-44. In specific, gun violence is a leading cause of premature death in the United States. Guns kill 30,000 people and injure 60,000 people a year. More than 30 years ago, violence and health were not used in the same sentence. However, this issue is complex and deeply rooted into ourRead MoreGun Laws And Gun Control1584 Words   |  7 Pages Guns in the U.S has been a problem for many years now. So much so that America is what comes to mind when people think about guns. 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PreventionRead MoreViolence - Behavior Involving Physical Force1370 Words   |  6 PagesViolence – behavior involving physical force intended to hurt, damage, or kill someone or something. In my own words, violence – hate, gangs, guns, anger and war. Violence in Chicago – nonstop killing. Shootings and murders are through the roof in Chicago. In the past year, in 2015, there has been 29 murders, 136 shooting victims and 119 shootings. In just this year alone, in just the first month the shooting and murders were double that. In statistics released, the Chicago Police Department reportedRead MoreGun Control Laws And Better Education On The United States1376 Words   |  6 PagesSandy Hook Elementary School , more than six adults and twenty children were shoot. On January 14,2013, the campaign I Demand a Plan† have pop out against gun violence ; nearly one million Americans have signed on to the coalition s. 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Friday, December 20, 2019

Project Management and Operational Readiness - 698 Words

Operational readiness is the key success factor for project management In many studies and reports, project successes tend to be measured against the prescribed schedule, cost and performance. In reality, project success measurement should be against projects constraints and the operational readiness status of the business environment. The combination of the two will assist in efficiently using the product or service as intended. What is operational readiness? In definition, operational readiness is a support and integral tool between the project management environment and the business environment. It is a support tool for a project manager to utilise in the business environment for effective change management. Its main†¦show more content†¦In other words, making ends meet. The disadvantages of not using operational readiness tool are as follows: †¢ No project ownership in the business environment; †¢ Business benefits will be compromised (e.g. operations efficiency and turnaround time); and †¢ Increase in maintenance costs. The message to professional project managers In definition, a project’s success is about realising the benefits manifest in the business environment. â€Å"You reap what you sow† is a perfect parable for project managers to take full responsibility for a project’s success. In general, operational readiness is mostly the ultimate missing link in post-implementation reviews among the unsuccessful projects. Ideally, project managers should include operational readiness in their plans because it will bring them closer to delivering a successful project that works in the business environment. There are a number of complex projects that have benefited from the operational readiness tool, including infrastructure projects that are mostly worth millions of rands. The investments are for increasing the production efficiency, which will in turn improve the reliability status in a maintenance workshop. In this case, a project manager will be concerned about the cost of the project, whereas an operational readiness tool will be used to concentrate on the capability and readiness of the business environment. This type of project willShow MoreRelatedThe Critical Success Factor Of British Petroleum1562 Words   |  7 PagesThe image as well as the operational business reputation of a corporation is critical to the survivability of the corporation in today’s business world. Today we will put our focus on one of UK’s largest multinational oils company’s. 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Thursday, December 12, 2019

Impact of Dynamic Capabilities System

Question: Discuss about the Impact of Dynamic Capabilities System. Answer: Introduction The report discusses about the development of an empowerment plan and the philosophy that has been used in the workplace during the improvement process. The goals and objectives of the philosophy followed have also been stated. The communication strategy and communication process to develop a network of trust is utilized by the organization (Bryson 2012). The PDCA cycle of plan-do-check-act, is used for the improvement process. The customer complaints have been identified and a system has generated to resolve these issues. The adjustments for the continuous improvement process, recommendations and the involvement of plans to reach the desired goals are ensured. There is an availability of resources for implementation of these adjustment plans. Strategic planning is used for management of the reports and recommendations for the continuous improvement processes. The facilitation for improvement of the organization is necessary for empowerment of the organization (Feng, Siu and Zhang 20 13). The discussion includes the empowering personnel, a plan to address the customer complaints and adjustment of the continuous improvement strategies and a plan to manage report and recommendations. Empowerment refers to becoming powerful. Empowering of the personnel of an organization is necessary to achieve the desired target of the organization. The empowerment of the personnel in a workplace is required (Hess 2014). There is a certain philosophy required to be followed for their empowerment. An open communication between the employees and the employer of the organization is valued. The employees should be able to reach their employers when in need. The feedback of the employees is very important for effective running of the organization. There should be rewards for the employees so that the employees work hard. The employees should be appreciated for their performance at work. Their contribution to the organization and participation should be appreciated. The organization should keep their employees motivated to achieve the best results. The main aim of the philosophy is that the personnel at the workplace of the organization they are working at should feel a part of the organization. The employees feeling motivated will help for innovation of new ideas for the betterment of the organization and achieve success. The employees will be grateful to their leaders and the employer when they are appreciated. Communication refers to the exchange of information between the sender and the receiver. In the organization the employer is the sender and the employees are the receivers. The communication strategies to ensure that all the employees have access and input in the decision making process are as follows. The message to be communicated should be simple in nature so that there is an influence on the strategy and the decision making process (Jensen 2013). There should development of department-specific responses for generation of new ideas and behaviors. There is the need for necessary investment. The employees should be able to communicate directly with the customers. A regular flow of information from the stakeholders to the employees enables better communication. The strategies to develop trust include the need to belong and connect with the organization (Kim et al. 2012). There is a need for voice and recognition of the employees. There should be a sense of security and certainty for the employees and each of them should have the liberty of choice. The employees should have a purpose to work for and have the ability to learn and face challenges every day. The team leaders of the organization will develop the coaching and mentoring programs. The program needs to be either formal or informal and create objectives based on the goals of the organization. It has to serve two purposes, to show the mission of this coaching program and this will allow the focus to move forward. The program should be developed by measurement and evaluation to attain success of the program (Johnson 2017). The coaching and mentoring program should be simple so that the employees can easily grasp it. It should start with the basic teaching and training. The planning should be done accordingly. The empowerment plan aligns with the PDCA cycle. The PDCA cycle refers to the plan-do-check-act or adjusts (Matsuo and Nakahara 2013). The planning for the empowerment establishes the goals for the continuous improvement process. The implementation and execution of the process allows collection of the data and analysis of the results that are expected. The rate of improvement in the empowerment process is calculated through this process. Plan to address customer complaint and adjust improvement strategies A plan is developed to identify, address and act on the customer complaints and suggestions. The vision of the organization is to provide good services to the customers. The customer complaints have been identified and the aim is to improve the services provided to them. The service manager does a thorough investigation of the complaints and then the complaints are reviewed. The suggestions that have been made have been received well and will be used to change and improve the organization. The goals and objectives is act on the complaints that have been issued by the customers. The organization has to solve the issues that the customers are facing for improvement of the organization. For the enabling of the continuous improvement process, the organization has to put effort to improve the services they provide to the customers. The processes of the services are evaluated to attain effectiveness and flexibility. The system to handle complaints includes the strategy to encourage the complaints and suggestions from the customers. The disheartened customers who did not complain are tried to be satisfied. The effective complaint handling system provides confidence that the complaints have been dealt in an effective manner by enabling the complaints, responding to them, accountability and learning. The customers are encouraged to complain. To allow the customers have a better experience of the services the customers are asked to make suggestions and complaints. The organization creates surveys on the companys website and asks requests the customers to review the services. Leaflets and pamphlets are issued so that the customers can rate the services and if they are not satisfied, they suggestions can be made. The disheartened customers are made to feel important by providing them the benefit of the services that the company provides. These customers are also asked to make suggestions for the improvement process (Pires 2013). Technology will be utilized for the complaints section in the handling process. The customer service technology is used for this process. The website allows the customers to seek answers from the company. The e-mail is another medium by which the customers can complain. The customers can also use the voicemail to leave messages. The customer complaints will help in the improvement process of the company and allow for its growth. The complaints will be stored as data by sophisticated data-gathering tools like the customer relationship management software. While performing the task one must keep in mind the ethics of keeping data, which is crucial to the organization performance. The manipulation and restoration of data that transforms to useful information for the management must be avoided at any cost (Myers 2015). A procedure has been developed to manage the adjustments of the continuous improvement processes in response to the customer complaints and suggestions. The evaluation of recommendations is by checking the internal consistency, the consistency of the environment of the organization, the appropriateness if the resources are available, the degree of the risks and lastly the time available. The workability of the employees is also to be kept in mind. There is the involvement and support of the personnel to undertake the adjustment of plans is through communication among the employer and the personnel. The employee keeps the personnel informed about the changes that have taken place. The employees are motivated by the employer, which also promotes the involvement. The organization ensures the maintaining the competence of the personnel by assessing of the competence, maintaining the competence and keeping record. The competence is measured by the skills, knowledge and expertise of the employees. There is the need to achieve good standard of the ethical behavior. The changes in the marketplace, regulations and services are also considered (Meyerson and Dewettinck 2012). The adjustments that have been made are linked to the measurable goals by measurable, achievable, relevant and time-bound processes. These are aligned to the goals that are attained. A conversation between the employer of the organization and the personnel includes coaching, development, reviewing of priorities and feedback. Organization ensures the availability of resources to make adjustment to the plans. The availability of resource is making the data available to the users. There should be appropriate learning support services and initiatives. The programs offered by the organization and the implication of the programs are required for progress (Hassard and Pym 2012). Planning to manage reports and recommendations as a part of strategic business management Purpose of record keeping for continuous improvement, managing record keeping is essential. The reasons their utility is necessary because it increases operational Excellencies. It leverages as an input key to make effective decisions. Organizational objectives like team level execution of work and results are there to communicate. It also acts as a helping hand to the rapid change of economical factors, internal and external that influences the process of business. In all it acts as a support service at all level. Types of information reported on the strategic planning takes into account the critical information that affects the business directly or indirectly. The reports can be of two types. One is financial report for the internal as well as external use (Kohlbacher 2013). Second is the annual report that is for the stakeholders of the organization. The information should contain Market condition of the business has a brief idea about the growth and service demand calculation. The status of organization, the Gap Analysis report is the area for improvement. To meet the projected demand required resource calculation overview. The financial report of the organization and future financial plan Training and development initiatives for staff Assessment of capability of organizations and plans to new offerings Reporting mechanisms The reporting mechanisms are based on the function that is performed after that. Like ordinary report, that is for annual general meetings, special report, for management purposes, formal report for legal proceedings and matter, informal report, interpretative report, verbation report, problem-solving report, performance report, technical findings report and others (Stubbs and Higgins 2014). Data storage and retrieval for an organization like IBM, that is dependent upon the information process and system data storage is crucial and the necessity of it is something that cannot be avoided. The strategic business management is based on the data processing and retrieval system. Some points that must be considered while keeping the archive are data retention plans, security and safety of datum, the immutability, extensive storage capacity, indexing and searching mechanisms and integration of the required data. Ethical considerations while performing the task one must keep in mind the ethics of keeping data, which is crucial to the organization performance. The manipulation and restoration of data that transforms to useful information for the management must be avoided at any cost. Process for developing, presenting and implementing recommendation this process equips management with certain information like additional and instruction materials needed to make efficient decisions and effectiveness (Tjosvold and Tjosvold 2015). The documentation also helps them identify and solve problems. Implementing is result oriented in the end and practicing development and aligning the business strategy and curriculum with practices. Conclusion Thereby, the following report discusses about the development of an empowerment plan and the philosophy that has been used in the workplace during the improvement process. The goals and objectives of the philosophy followed have also been stated. The communication strategy and communication process to develop a network of trust is utilized by the organization. The PDCA cycle of plan-do-check-act, is used for the improvement process. The customer complaints have been identified and a system has generated to resolve these issues. The adjustments for the continuous improvement process, recommendations and the involvement of plans to reach the desired goals are ensured. There is an availability of resources for implementation of these adjustment plans. Strategic planning is used for management of the reports and recommendations for the continuous improvement processes. The facilitation for improvement of the organization is necessary for empowerment of the organization. The customers are encouraged to complain. To allow the customers have a better experience of the services the customers are asked to make suggestions and complaints. The organization creates surveys on the companys website and asks requests the customers to review the services. Leaflets and pamphlets are issued so that the customers can rate the services and if they are not satisfied, they suggestions can be made. The organization ensures the maintaining the competence of the personnel by assessing of the competence, maintaining the competence and keeping record. The competence is measured by the skills, knowledge and expertise of the employees. There is the need to achieve good standard of the ethical behavior. The changes in the marketplace, regulations and services are also considered. The documentation also helps them identify and solve problems. Implementing is result oriented in the end and practicing development and aligning the business strategy and curriculum with practices. References Bryson, J.M., 2012. Strategic Planning and.The SAGE Handbook of Public Administration, p.50. Feng, D., Siu, W.C. and Zhang, H.J. eds., 2013.Multimedia information retrieval and management: Technological fundamentals and applications. Springer Science Business Media. Hassard, J. and Pym, D. eds., 2012.The theory and philosophy of organizations: critical issues and new perspectives. Routledge. Hess, R.E., 2014.Studies in empowerment: Steps toward understanding and action. Routledge. Jensen, J.V., 2013.Ethical issues in the communication process. Routledge. Johnson, C.E., 2017.Meeting the ethical challenges of leadership: Casting light or shadow. Sage Publications. Kim, B., Lee, G., Murrmann, S.K. and George, T.R., 2012. Motivational effects of empowerment on employees organizational commitment: a mediating role of management trustworthiness.Cornell Hospitality Quarterly,53(1), pp.10-19. Kohlbacher, M., 2013. The impact of dynamic capabilities through continuous improvement on innovation: the role of business process orientation.Knowledge and Process Management,20(2), pp.71-76. Matsuo, M. and Nakahara, J., 2013. The effects of the PDCA cycle and OJT on workplace learning.The International Journal of Human Resource Management,24(1), pp.195-207. Meyerson, G. and Dewettinck, B., 2012. Effect of empowerment on employees performance.Advanced Research in Economic and Management Sciences,2(1), pp.40-46. Myers, C., 2015. Is your company encouraging employees to share what they know.Harvard Business Review, pp.1-9. Pires, N.M.M., 2013. Continuous improvement process. Stubbs, W. and Higgins, C., 2014. Integrated reporting and internal mechanisms of change.Accounting, Auditing Accountability Journal,27(7), pp.1068-1089. Tjosvold, D. and Tjosvold, M., 2015. Teamwork with Customers. InBuilding the Team Organization(pp. 141-150). Palgrave Macmillan UK.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

The Nine Tailors Commentary free essay sample

In this passage from The Nine Tailors by Dorothy L. Sayers, Wimsey, the main character, climbs up a bell- ­? tower and endures the deafening vexatious shrills of the bells. The clangor from the bells causes him extreme amounts of pain and suffering. Throughout the passage, Wimsey struggles to keep the noise from harming him as he tries to climb up the belfry. Sayers portrays Wimsey’s painful situation with the use of vivid auditory imagery regarding the deafening noise of the bells and with the use of personification to amplify the magnitude of the destructive force of the bells. She is as well able to create an apprehensive and menacing  mood in the passage with enumeration to mimic the incessant violent nature of the bells and with an uneven paragraph structure to convey tension and to slow down the narrative of the story. All throughout the passage, Sayers adds life and substance to the bellicose sounds using vivid auditory imagery to create a chaotic and violent scene while portraying Wimsey’s state of pain as he climbs the ladder using. We will write a custom essay sample on The Nine Tailors Commentary or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The use of personification enlivens the violent sound making way for its devastating toll on Wimsey. The bell- ­? tower reaches and exceeds its limit and becomes supersaturated, â€Å"drenched and drunken with noise. † Sayers  personifies the tower as the noise makes it â€Å"stagger like a drunken man†(Sayers 6- ­? 7) turning into a completely mindless belligerent being far off from its normal state. Sayers writes of the â€Å"brazen fury of the bells† (Sayers 4- ­? 5) assaulting Wimsey’s ears as he first enters the bell- ­? chamber. An impudent chaotic barrage of noise stuns Wimsey before he even begins climbing the last ladder. The â€Å"unendurable shrill clangour†(l. 16) creates the auditory image of an unrelenting high- ­? pitched resonating sound. The sound then escapes the realm of simple noise and crosses into the category of shear pain as wimsey’s â€Å"ear- ­? drums were  cracking. †(l. 14) Any attempt to block the pain proves futile as the clamor overpowers Wimsey rendering him weak against such violent forces. Sayers compares the noise to a â€Å"sword in the brain†(l. 10), as though the poignant noise slowly pierces his skull. Whether â€Å"pieced through and buffeted† (l. 8) or â€Å"head dizzy[ing] and stomach retch[ing]†(l. 21), Wimsey succumbs and falls victim to the noise. In addition, the pain has a psychological effect on the character as his â€Å"senses swam away†(l. 14- ­? Michael Abushacra English SL 15) and he seems lost in time on the ladder barraged by pure incessant noise. One sense, his hearing, receives so much information, that all other senses seem to dull away and leave him incapacitated. The noise and pain also causes a loss of understanding when Wimsey â€Å"felt rather than stepped†(l. 25) onto the roof. Stunned, he cannot distinguish his actions rather he just feels with one of his last conscious senses. Wimsey’s exposure to the noise simply underlines his weakness in the passage proving how an inanimate force causes him so much pain and suffering. It is also worthy to note the significance of the last sentence in the passage. Originally, the â€Å"demoniac clangor†(l. 26) and torment fill the bell tower yet externally, the noise â€Å"transmute[s]†Ã‚  into a harmony. The idea of ambiguity of external beauty arises in sound or aesthetics and whether that beauty mimics internally. What sounds or looks beautiful on the exterior may be infinitely worse on the interior. Since the effect of the noise takes such a toll on Wimsey, Sayers builds tension in and leading up to the torment while also slowing down the narrative during his painful endeavor using progression of events, enumeration and an uneven paragraph structure. Tensions build before and after Wimsey enters the bell chamber creating a constant crescendo of events. As Wimsey makes his way to the bell chamber, he â€Å"pass[es] sweating  ringers†(l. 2- ­? 3) or the mechanisms of the bell- ­? chamber. The idea of â€Å"sweat† builds tension and foreshadows the impending entrance into the bell- ­? chamber. Sayers creates a sense of escalation before Wimsey enters the bell- ­? chamber through the mention of sweat or anxiety and then the rapid â€Å"brazen fury of the bells†(l. 4- ­? 5) that falls onto his ears as soon as his head rises into the chamber. Once Wimsey enters the chamber, tensions build as he â€Å"clings desperately to the ladder†(l. 8) and then feels the blood â€Å"swelling†(l. 11) in his head to a â€Å"bursting- ­? point†(l. 11) until he finally feels his â€Å"ear- ­? drums†(l. 14) cracking. The obvious crescendo of events unfolds as Sayers goes on to depicts the shear pain Wimsey endures. Moreover, the effect of the noise slows down the narrative as Sayers puts more emphasis on Wimsey’s physical and psychological torment. Sayers breaks down the moment when Wimsey climbs the ladder and elaborately expresses the chaos and violence. An uneven paragraph structure causes and Michael Abushacra English SL emphasized this breakdown in narrative. In the first shorter paragraph, the narrative is more fluid as Wimsey makes his way past the sweating ringers, â€Å"climb[s] again†(l. 3) and the noise falls upon him yet not to its full effect. On the contrary, in the second paragraph Sayer’s expresses the full effects of the noise on Wimsey which translates into a larger section of text containing and taking advantage of the multiple auditory images and personifications mentioned earlier. In this paragraph, Sayers utilizes the idea of enumeration or the listing of multiple effects the sound has on the poor boy while writing: â€Å"a grinding, bludgeoning, ran- ­? dan, crazy, intolerable torment. † (l. 13) This enumeration elongates the narrative and adds a sense of redundancy tying into the fact that the bells ring at such a repetitive manner, much like the high pitched sustained  shrill mentioned earlier. The consequential effect the bells have on Wimsey makes him unable to move and incapacitated by their loud violent nature, therefore slowing down the narrative and extending the paragraph size. After the ordeal, Wimsey exits the chamber onto the roof and the pace of the narrative picks up although remnants of the torment linger and are still present. Sayers clearly portrays Wimsey’s dire and painful situation climbing the bell tower through vivid auditory imagery and personification. Not only do the bells stun Wimsey but they also break down the narrative and extend the paragraph structure. A single moment  freezes as Sayers elongates and dissects it to reveal the multiple effects the bells have on Wimsey. The idea of a religious undertone to this passage also exists. The mentioning of â€Å"demoniac†(l. 26), â€Å"assault of devils†(l. 16) and â€Å"sank back into the pit†(l. 26) ironically refers to hell when many bell towers are located on churches or places of worship. The sound retreats back into the tower resembling the devil retreating back into hell. Although religion is not prevalent throughout the entire passage, the idea of the sound becoming a physical force and harming somebody depicts a divine connection between the inanimate and the living.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Oncidium Business Consulting Case Analysis

Oncidium Business Consulting is a company that traces its roots back in the 1970s. The Richard Ivey Business School at The University of Western Ontario was operating summer assistance programs for small and native businesses in Southwestern Ontario through the subsidies it was getting from the Federal government.Advertising We will write a custom case study sample on Oncidium Business Consulting Case Analysis specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The programs were soliciting the services of 15 students each summer since undergraduate and graduate students sought relevant work during their four-month break. At some point, the programs lost the federal support hence making it necessary to reduce the number of students who were initially participating in the program. Ivey continued with the program under the name Ivey Business Consulting Group. Some of the restrictions that characterized the program were eliminated but its startup was ne vertheless characterized by many problems. The program was run each summer by different groups of students. Jane Richards, the Founder of Oncidium Business Consulting joined the IBCG program in 2001 and was elected the practice’s manager. Richards graduated from the university in 2001, a period during which IBCG was experiencing many problems and the firm was unstable. As a result, she proposed that the program be converted into an arm of Ivey and be operated all year round. She argued that Ivey had enough resources and the Canadian market was in dire need of ideas on how to increase its growth. She was given an office in the school in order to anchor the idea firmly and in 2002; she transformed IBCG into a proprietorship.Advertising Looking for case study on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Richards constituted an advisory board comprised of academicians and entrepreneurs to advise and mentor her. I BCG opened an office in Toronto in September 2003 and hired additional staff. It continued to grow exponentially year after year between 2003 and 2005. Ivey decided to withdraw from the firm in 2004 and that was when Oncidium Business Consulting was born. Its services included strategic plans, market assessment, and market research to clients of all natures. Oncidium continued to register remarkable growth in 2006 and 2007. However in 2006, Richards started feeling like a stranger in her own company. This was happening despite the fact that she had founded the company and worked hard to see it grow. She could see a promising financial future for the company but the present had turned into a disappointment and unhappy scenario for Richards who wondered what she was doing in the company. Richards revisited revenue generation which was the performance metric agreed upon during the formation of the company. This was an easily measurable and quantifiable metric but only Maria had achieve d it. However, she got the lowest equity while Simon and Stephen who had not hit the targets got the highest and even Richards doubled theirs. Richards struggled to make the decision on whether to give them the equity when they had not achieved the performance metric since her mentors had suggested that nobody was to deviate from the set performance metrics. However, she felt that failure to give them the equity was bound to cause them to leave and she was not ready to build new relationships. She also felt that they were not skilled in revenue generation but they compensated in execution and delivery.Advertising We will write a custom case study sample on Oncidium Business Consulting Case Analysis specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Currently, the ownership of the stakes is perceived as inequitable by the other partners in the company. Simon and Stephen deal with delivery which is scalable since they have the support of other emplo yees in the company. Richards on the other hand deals with revenue generation which is an individual effort and feels that she bears the brunt. Whenever she is in the office, she feels Simon and Stephen feel that she should be outside selling projects. As a result, Richards feels that what she has done for the company is not appreciated and Simon and Stephen feel that the internal management of the company they are concerned with has a greater value than what Richards does. Differences have been growing everyday between Richards and her three partners in the company. This has been heightened by the fact that the three partners have been conducting secret meetings to strategize on how to throw Richards out of the company. Simon and Stephen have constituted a projects delivery team that is comprised of young individuals in their early 20s while Richards is in her mid 30s. This group bonds very well and after office, they go clubbing while Richards does not. This makes her an outsider in her own company. As the firm continues to grow in the presence of younger staff, the skills-set has been broken down. Richard’s idea of focusing on strategy-based assignments which bring in more dollars per assignment has been highly contested by the other partners. Simon and Stephen feel that the strategy is too competitive and Oncidium lacks the resources and skills to measure up to the standards of well established and financially stable consultancies.Advertising Looking for case study on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More From the financial statements, it is evident that Oncidium Business Consulting has been registering remarkable growth since 2005. The firm therefore has potential for continued growth in the future if the current problems are comprehensively addressed. The firm has strong capital base as portrayed by the revenue collected in the financial statement. However, there is need to regulate the equities and liabilities since they seem to go up every subsequent year. This is not a good sign because it might destabilize the firm. Generally, the profits of the firm portray an impressive potential since there is increment in every subsequent year. It is important for Richards and her partners to work together for the sake of the success of the firm. The following are some of the recommendations that may be useful in a bid to resolve the current standoff in the firm. The first recommendation is that Richards should hold a meeting with the rest of the partners and discuss with them the concerns that make her feel no longer comfortable in the firm. The second recommendation is that Richards should contact her advisory team and inform it of the current situation in the firm for appropriate advice on how to approach the matter. The third recommendation is that a review of the nature of the roles of each one of them should be reviewed. The fourth recommendation is that a strict and open system should be put in place to determine who should join the firm. Richards should also be involved in selecting individuals who join the firm. The sixth recommendation is that she could consider the short gun clause in the partnership agreement and leave the firm. The best recommendation is to conduct a review of the roles and responsibilities of all the partners in the firm. This includes reviewing the practicality of the metrics set for each partner. The best way to do this is to conduct the advisors of the firm and hold a meeting with all the partners. Since the advisors are knowledgeable people in such matters they can advise on the most appropriate course of action in such situations. They would also reiterate on the importance of valuing the input of all the partners in the firm. This case study on Oncidium Business Consulting Case Analysis was written and submitted by user Jeram1ah to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Edible Glowing Blood Slime

Edible Glowing Blood Slime What couldnt Halloween costume or party benefit from some blood slime? This particular slime is also edible, non-sticky and glows blue-white under a black light. Its easy to make! Glowing Blood Slime Materials 1 teaspoon soluble fiber (e.g., Metamucil)8 ounces (1 cup) diet tonic water red food coloring Make the Slime! Stir the fiber into the tonic water.Add a drop or two of food coloring. The slime gets darker during preparation, so dont add too much food coloring.Heat the liquid in a microwave-safe container until it boils. Depending on your microwave power this may be anywhere from 1-4 minutes. When the mixture boils, pause the microwave and stir the slime.Cook the microwave another 1-2 minutes. Stir it.Repeat the cooking/stirring cycle a total of 4-5 times, until the slime develops a gelatinous consistency. Carefully remove the slime from the microwave. The container will be very hot!Let the slime cool before you handle it. You can play with it, decorate with it, or even eat it. No matter what color you made your slime, it will glow blue-white under a black light or ultraviolet light. The glow is fluorescence from the quinine in the tonic water.Store your slime in a sealed bowl or plastic bag. If you are just decorating with it, its fine at room temperature, but if you plan on putting the slime in your mouth, its a good idea to refrigerate leftovers. While the slime wont stick to most surfaces, the food coloring will cause it to stain fabrics and skin. Clean up slime with soap and water. Your favorite stain remover will take out the food coloring. Watch a video of this project.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Produce a report on the marketing of a consumer product of your choice Essay

Produce a report on the marketing of a consumer product of your choice utilizing some of the techniques discussed on your course - Essay Example In fact, Nokia Smartphones have pushed the company out of losses and set it on a path of reclamation and growth (Garside, 2013). 2. Key Market Segments for Nokia Lumia and Size of Market   2.1 Customer Segments Targeted Nokia smartphones are now available for many different customer segments as shown below: Lumia 920 and Lumia 820 These phones are based on the Windows 8 platform, are 4G enabled, and target customers who can purchase higher end products and who desire latest technology and a large variety of apps (Aulakh, 2013). Lumia 720 and Lumia 520 These smartphones target the price sensitive customer segment. These are priced at low and mid-range and provide almost similar hardware as its sophisticated higher end sets. However, the services provided are lesser. The concept behind these phones is to target customers who cannot afford high end phones but who still need cell phones for net connectivity and functional utility (Spence, 2013). Nokia Lumia 700 and 800 These are the lo w range of smartphones that were initially launched to create interest and awareness among the new customers (Spence, 2013). It can therefore be observed that Nokia Smartphones cover nearly all the customer segments with the variety of products that they have in the market. 2.2 Market Size and Growth The market for the smartphones is in the stage of rapid growth as can be seen from the growth statistics for the last year. In the second quarter of the year 2012, the mobile market grew at the rate of 1% with 406.0 million units of mobiles being shipped during the quarter (IDC Press Release, 2012). However, the smartphones market grew at a much higher rate of 42.1% in 2012 with 153.9 million  units being shipped worldwide (IDC Press Release, 2012). The main competitors in the smartphone market are Samsung and Apple. These two players have captured diverse market segments ranging from low priced to high priced. Samsung focuses on a diverse strategy where it introduces smartphones for a variety of customer segments so that it covers all sections of the market. On the other hand, Apple targets only the high end customer segment with sophisticated and highly priced smartphones. Smartphones growth markets largely consist of the European countries as well as emerging economies of Asia and Latin America. There is a continuous rise in the demand of smartphones in countries like India and China which provide a huge market due to their large populations. However, in spite of the large growth and expected progression of the smartphone market, Nokia has fallen behind the two main competitors – Samsung and Apple. The reason is largely attributed to the introduction of the Microsoft Windows Phone 8 that prevented existing uses of Nokia Lumia to upgrade to the new operating system (Garside, 2013). This restriction led to a decline in the sales of the Nokia Lumia though it is expected that the upgradation will eventually happen for the existing users. Like Samsung, Noki a also follows the strategy of penetrating diverse customer segments and has developed smartphones of varying prices and sophistication. The following graph shows the BCG matrix for smartphone market and the market position of Nokia: Figure 1: BCG Matrix for Smartphone Market and Market Position of Nokia Lumia 3. Future Trends in Smart Phone Market